June 3, 2024
The South African Policing Union (SAPU) would like to commend members of the safety and security sector which include members of SAPS, the Border Management Authority, Traffic Police, Metro Police, Municipal Police and Security officers; who were working over the elections period. The peaceful environment in which the process was conducted cannot only be attributed to the maturity of the political system in South Africa, but also to the visible presence and effectiveness of members of the security cluster which is highly commendable and also includes the air wing patrol that was done by the Fidelity Security company and other companies which played a critical part in making sure that the elections are policed well with their resources. We are proud of the men and women in blue who have ensured the safety and security within the republic. We cannot thank them enough for a job well done. We salute those men and women in specialist units like the Public Order Policing, Tactical Response Team and National Intervention Unit as it is a well-known fact that they work under extreme provocation, however they manage to perform their duties within the spirit of human rights. This collaboration of the security sector working together during elections is a clear indication that if we work together, we can win the war against crime which is the position we have been advocating as SAPU. Now that the elections have been concluded, SAPU calls upon the SAPS and all the safety and security sectors to ensure that all members who worked overtime are duly compensated accordingly as a demotivated workforce is a recipe for disaster. It is now the turn of the management to fulfil their side of the bargain. SAPU is proud of all the Safety and Security Sector members including those who were not deployed, as your names will be written in the history books as a group of true servants and patriotic sons and daughters of our land.